Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Junk Food

Do you ever feel like this?? I think this ALL THE TIME!! Too bad candy and other junk just keeps magically popping up in our house. ;)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A loss is a loss!

Well, the last month has been a pretty lazy one for me. I have been exercising but not "officially". I have been going for walks and bike rides. I also participated in a 5K (ran about a third, maybe a titch more, and walked the rest). None of this was for the purpose of breaking a sweat though. It was all recreational. That is why I exercised but didn't "officially" exercise.

I finally, after a month of putting it off, decided it was time to get on the dreaded scale. I was pleasantly surprised, I lost 3 lbs. Yeah me!!

I also have come to the realization that I am NEVER going to weigh 135 lbs. Even if I was anorexic so as much as I would love to be in the "normal" range on the BMI I think I'm going to shoot for 140 at the lightest. First I just need to get to 150 for life insurance premium reasons. Soooo... that is my new goal, a solid 150! I will be looking dang sexy if I get to that! ;)

9 lbs down, 8 to go!!!