Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Think Smaller, Eat Smaller

"Do you want to SUPER size that?"

"Yes please!"

It's the way our society thinks now a days. The sad thing is is that we don't even have to ask for it most places. It's called getting your moneys worth right!? If I don't get a ton of food I think I'm being ripped off. Then I feel I have to eat it all since: #1) I paid for it #2) it won't taste as good later (in a lot of cases) and #3) what if, heaven forbid, someone eats my leftovers or I have to share them later?  (super selfish... I know) #2 and #3 also apply when I'm at home.

When I make food at home and it says it serves 2 or even 3 I think I better at least double that.  Why do we need to have 6-8 servings to feed myself, my husband, our 2 year old and 9 month old? Although I do like having leftovers for lunch the next day, there is no reason for me to eat that much.

Right now you may be thinking the same as me. "Holy Crapoly, I would starve!"  Luckily stomachs can be shrunk back down.

• I've just slowly started eating a little less at each meal every day.

• Rather than stuffing myself to the point of popping each night I eat slower and stop when I'm just full (not hurting).

• I have also started eating off a smaller plate. I can eat the same amount of food only it makes me feel like I'm eating more. With a bigger plate I want to fill er up!

I have found a few charts/pictures that show how much a serving really is. It doesn't look like a lot but in time it will fill us right up. I've been experiencing this already. As my dad used to say (from his mom), "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach." Luckily I'm learning this can be a true statement. Hopefully you'll experience that with me!!

3 lbs down, 29 to go!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Plan of Attack!

I do have a plan of how I am going to go about loosing weight. Normally I try mapping out every single day and that gets me all flustered and overwhelmed. This go around I'm just doing it by month. So the month of January is Zumba. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So far so good. I love love love it. I am a happy mom/wife after I come home from doing it. I know it's a workout but it sure doesn't feel like it when I'm doing it.

Give it a try sometime, you may be pleasantly surprised. (And don't worry, no one will see your bad dancing because everyone else is just trying to catch on also! ;) )

Starting a new... Year?

No, I'm starting a new life! In a little bit longer I will have a one year old AND a two year old. I said when I had Tanner, "I took 9 months to put this weight on and I'm going to take 9 months to take it off!" Well... Tanner will be 9 months old in 8 DAYS!! and I still have 11 pounds hanging (literally) around. You can do that math.

Here are my stats and goals.
• Got pregnant with Molly at a  (pretty) fit: 147 lbs
• 10 months later I got pregnant with Tanner at a (not feeling terrible): 156 lbs
• Now almost 9 months after Tanner I'm stuck at: 167 lbs

According to the BMI chart (which I understand isn't the best guide) I should be, at my towering  5' 4"  frame, between 110-140 lbs. I would be extremely happy if I could get to 140 but I'm going to try and push myself and get down to 135 lbs.

Can it be done?? I don't know but I'm willing to find out!

0 down 32 to go!