I've been continuing my running although not every day like I was. I still will continue but I'm starting something new on top of it. When am I not starting something new??? If you've read my personal blog the last two years you'll know that I have participated in The Biggest Loser competition in Nyssa the last two summers. The first summer I was most successful with losing almost 14 pounds. Then I got pregnant with Tanner the last month of it so my weight loss didn't continue. The second year (last summer) I only lost 4 pounds but I think a lot had to do with the birth control I was on so I was lucky to even loose that much. This year is a new start!!! Already I have a head start on the last two years where I weighed in at 171 lbs. This afternoon when I weighed in I was at 164.8 lbs. I put my goal weight as 150 lbs. That is about 15 pounds in 12 weeks. Doable for me but I'll have to work at it. My mom is doing it with me again so that will give me even more accountability.

Every month they have you work on new things, so by August you are able to do everything you should be doing. We get a chart that we check off daily throughout the week. The daily tasks during June are :
- Drink 6 cups of water
- Exercise for 15 minutes
- Eat 2 Fruit
- Eat 2 cups of vegetables
- No soda
- No eating after 8:00 pm
- No fried foods or cooked in oil: Bake or Grill it instead.
- Journal Entry, either food journal or gratitude journal
- Eat breakfast
- Then set a personal goal you want to do every day. Mine is to go to bed by 11:00 pm.
Sunday is a free day. Where you don't have keep track of your points.
So here's to The Biggest Loser (again)!! Three's a charm right? This will be my year!!!! If you want to join me. Just do those things each day throughout June and weigh in weekly. You may gain some you may loose some but by the end you will be healthier!! Good luck to you and to me cause we all know I'll need it!!
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