Thursday, December 5, 2013

Back and... not quite better than ever!

It's been over a year since the last time I posted. A lot has changed since then so let me catch you up a bit. I finished up the couch 2 5K (C25K) program. I wanted to continue on my running journey so I started training for a half marathon. (It's on my bucket list) I was about up to 6 miles when I was jogging one evening (a 3 mile) and stepped in a pot hole with my bad ankle. It twisted and crumpled under me leaving me to crunch my knee on the other leg. I called my hubby from the ground sobbing and he came out and picked me up.

 I took a slight rest period but had to jump back out there since my half was fast approaching. I trained hard. On the first weekend of Oct (2012) I went out a did a 7 mile (hilly) run. About the last 3 miles my knees started KILLING me. I realized that I was pushing it too hard too fast after my fall. I took some more time off to rest my ankle and knee. During that rest period we bought a house (it happened really fast). We were moving into our new house the night before my half was going to happen (First weekend in Nov). I was tired and hadn't been training so I asked Brian what he would do and we decided I eat the registration fee and not race the next morning.

That was probably the last running I have done. In February (2013) I found out Baby Beck #3 would be joining our family. We had some scares throughout the pregnancy and my Dr was constantly reminding me to take it easy and not do too much. That lead to me not doing much!

I started the pregnancy out at 155 lbs. The day before she arrived I was weighed at 180 lbs., 25 lbs weight gain. Not too bad for "taking it easy"!

This is about where we are today. Yesterday was me 6 week mark, I was at 166 lbs. 14 lbs down from when baby came, only 11 to go to get back to pre-Sophee weight and then another 10 to get to pre-Molly. Sooo... my goal is to lose 21 lbs and comfortably fit back into my pre-pregnancy pants. I don't have a time frame in mind because I like to make fitness and lifestyle changes rather then diet. I want to start running again, I want to sign up for a 5K and then a half to keep me motivated. I would also like to try going to Zumba a couple of times a month. It's hard for me to eat less right now because I'm breast feeding and get ravenous. But once I'm done doing that I will eat smaller portions.

January is going to be the start of a healthier year again! I'm excited to start moving again (even though it's terribly cold right now.) Wish me luck as I'm going to need every ounce, or pound, of it!! :)